无尽世界 worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080p 帖子完整标题无尽世界 worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080pwebripx264rarbg 111gb 译 名 无尽世界 片 名 world without end no reported incidents 年 代 World without end no reported incidents 2016 imdb directed by jem cohen a portrait of southendonsea a town along englands thames estuary that includes everyday streets people birds water mud and sky World without end no reported incidents mdff program notes quite close to london but for many a million miles away southendonsea is a town along the thames estuary world without end no reported incidents the new documentary from jem cohen museum hours counting is a portrait of this place everyday streets everyday birds unflagging tides mud and skybut it is also about humanity and history about prizewinning indian
Mundo sem fim sem incidentes reportados filme 2016 world without end no incidents reported distribuidorver detalhes técnicos ano de produção 2016 tipo de filme longametragem curiosidades 1 curiosidade World without end no reported incidents filmat kameraflaneur cohen ist an der englischen küste unterwegs im mündungsgebiet der themse dort wo die alten sich noch an die schlacht von dünkirchen erinnern der himmel und das meer die gezeiten das watt und der nebel begegnungen mit bewohnern unter anderem dem inhaber eines hutgeschäftes World without end no reported incidents viennale world without end no reported incidents jem cohen gbusa 2016 documentaries 57min of World without end no reported incidents 2016 directed the parenthetical no reported incidents is seen near the end of the film on a traffic sign offering commuters an update on the road conditions but world without end is a very unusual moniker for a film about such a bounded and specific locale southendonsea a working class community in essex positioned along the thames estuary
World without end no reported incidents perfectly encapsulating the sweethearted chatter unique to smalltown england jem cohen offers views of three different yet almost identical cities along the thames estuary southendonsea leighonsea and canvey island with a structuralist approach cohen museum hours shows the high World without end no reported incidents 2016 the world without end no reported incidents the new documentary from jem cohen is a portrait of this placeeveryday streets everyday birds unflagging tides mud and sky but it is also about humanity and history about prizewinning indian curries an encyclopedic universe of hats and a nearly lost world of protopunk music World without end no reported incidents 2016 world without end no reported incidents es un documental dirigido por jem cohen año 2016 título original world without end no reported incidents sinopsis la película transcurre en southendonsea una ciudad del estuario del támesis en inglaterra vemos el hermoso barro seguimos a los pájaros y observamos los antiguos edificios que irradian memorias World without end no reported incidents 2016 mubi world without end no reported incidents on mubi find trailers reviews and all info for world without end no reported incidents by jem cohen
无尽世界 worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080p 帖子完整标题无尽世界 worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080pamznwebripddp51x264monkee 223gb 译 名 无尽世界 片 名 world without end no reported inc Worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080pwebrip worldwithoutendnoreportedincidents20161080pamznwebripddp51x264monkee 223gb 本站所有资源均收集自互联网没有提供影片资源存储也未参与录制上传 若本站收录的资源无意侵犯了您的权益 请联系pianyuannethotmail email protected World without end no reported incidents 2016 quotes world without end no reported incidents 2016 quotes on imdb memorable quotes and exchanges from movies tv series and more World without end no reported incidents world without end no reported incidents is a portrait of this place everyday streets everyday birds unflagging tides mud and sky but it is also about humanity and history about prizewinning indian curries an encyclopedic universe of hats and a nearly lost world of protopunk music